Use The Collaborative Lab


Dive into a world of endless possibilities and let us help you create moments that matter, backed by a team that truly cares. Our nationally acclaimed engineers and behind-the-scenes talent will make it easy, and fun, to use our space.

Large Studio

Our largest studio space can accommodate up to 100 guests in person, an unlimited number of virtual attendees, and is home to our expansive LED wall that can display videos, photos, or virtual presenters during events, or be used to create incredible video and VR content.

Small Studio

Our smaller studio space is designed to create dynamic podcasts, video podcasts, or other video content. Available monitors, lighting, and sound create the perfect space for content creation.


And, you’ll love our warm and welcoming lobby. Use it to welcome event guests, as a greenroom for talent, or as a place for your team to touchdown and work during your rental with us. 

Our current clients use The Collaborative Lab to access our incredibly talented team and innovative space to:

  • Connect in-person and virtually with international teams to make company announcements, hold all-team meetings, or host strategic planning sessions without unnecessary travel costs.

  • Hold investor presentations that are interactive, informative, and impactful.

  • Provide training sessions in an environment that is welcoming and easy to use. 

  • Support sales teams with virtual showrooms. 

  • Meet off-site at a space that is energetic and creative to spur innovation. 

  • Record video podcasts with best-in-class technology. 

  • Create incredibly dynamic video and photo content to use for marketing, sales, talent attraction and retention, and more.  


We offer several event packages to fit your needs:

Questions? Please reach out, we are happy to help!